Info Beasiswa

Tawaran Beasiswa S2 Belanda 2013/2014


Beasiswa S2 2013 Belanda , Impian untuk melanjutkan pendidikan ke negeri kincir angin Belanda bisa Anda wujudkan melalui beasiswa . Tahun ini, Radboud University Nijmegen, salah satu perguruan tinggi Belanda menawarkan beasiswa S2 yang dimulai 2013/2014. Mereka yang bisa mengajukan penawaran beasiswa ini adalah mahasiswa di luar kawasan Eropa, salah satunya Indonesia.

Info Program beasiswa Radboud sangat selektif dan ditujukan untuk mahasiswa berbakat yang telah meraih hasil penelitian yang luar biasa dan sangat termotivasi untuk mengejar gelar master di Radboud University. Setiap tahun disediakan 20 beasiswa di kampus ini. Beasiswa yang diberikan nantinya dalam bentuk biaya kuliah parsial, tidak dalam bentuk uang yang dikirimkan ke rekening bank. Misalnya, tahun ini jika biaya kuliah yang seharusnya ditanggung € 10.200 atau € 16.450, yang dibayarkan mungkin hanya € 1.771. Selain biaya kuliah parsial, Anda juga akan diberikan visa, ijin tinggal, asuransi kesehatan, dan asuransi wajib.

Prosedur Aplikasi:

Aplikasi masuk universitas dan aplikasi beasiswa sepenuhnya terintegrasi, tidak ada prosedur terpisah. Ikuti langkahnya di website ( Batas waktu untuk mengirimkan aplikasi, termasuk semua dokumen yang diperlukan, adalah 1 Maret 2013. Juga biaya yang harus dikeluarkan sudah harus diterima sebelum batas waktu tersebut. Jika informasi tidak lengkap atau biaya penanganan belum diterima, aplikasi secara otomatis akan ditolak.

Anda bisa menghubungi email: untuk informasi lebih jelas. Komite Seleksi Program Beasiswa Radboud akan memilih pemenang beasiswa berdasarkan nominasi tertinggi. Anda akan diberitahu keputusan akhir tersebut sebelum 1 Juni 2013.

Dokumen yang diperlukan:
1. Tunjukkan formulir aplikasi anda, bahwa Anda ingin memenuhi persyaratan Beasiswa Radboud
2. Surat motivasi untuk program gelar master
3. Ijazah dan transkrip yang telah dterjemahkan dalam bahasa Inggris oleh penerjemah resmi
4. Dua surat rekomendasi
5. Curriculum vitae (riwayat hidup)

Ctt: Surat rekomendasi dan curriculum vitae akan diminta setelah Anda masuk nominasi. Komite seleksi akan menghubungi. Anda hanya perlu menyiapkan dokumen-dokumen tersebut sebelum 15 Maret 2013.

Persyaratan Beasiswa :
1. Memiliki paspor non-EU/EEA (di luar Eropa atau kawasan ekonomi Eropa).
2. Telah sepenuhnya diterima di program master berbahasa Inggris oleh Kantor Kemahasiswaan sebagaimana dinyatakan dalam surat resmi Dewan Eksekutif.
3. Dapat memenuhi persyaratan untuk mendapatkan visa untuk Belanda.
4. Telah terdaftar di Radboud University sebagai mahasiswa penuh untuk tahun akademik dan program gelar master saatbeasiswa diberikan.

Kriteria seleksi:
Di bawah ini adalah beberapa pertimbangan komite seleksi untuk memiliki kandidat pemenang beasiswa:
1. Berbakat: Ini dilihat dari hasil penelitian yang luar biasa di lapangan saat studi
2. Memiliki prestasi
3. Memiliki kualitas pendidikan akademik (nilai, skor tes, publikasi, dll)
4. Didukung oleh dua surat rekomendasi
5. Motivasi: dilihat dari surat motivasi

*Sumber : (
Tawaran Info Beasiswa S2 Belanda 2013/2014 paling lambat sebelum 15 Maret 2013.

Beasiswa 2014/15...»»

Info Program Beasiswa Pascasarjana Unnes


Info Beasiswa Pascasarjana , Unnes menyelenggarakan Beasiswa Program Pascasarjana (BPPS) dari Dikti. BPPS diselenggarakan bagi calon mahasiswa yang berprofesi sebagai tenaga Dosen PTN/PTS.

Pendaftaran, persyaratan, dan informasi lebih lanjut dari beasiswa tersebut dapat diakses secara online melalui Pedoman BEASISWA PENDIDIKAN PASCASARJANA (BPPS) Tahun 2012 di website :(

Selain BPPS dari DIKTI, PPs Unnes juga menyelengarakan Beasiswa dan Bantuan Studi dari P2TK DIKMEN KEMENDIKBUD diantaranya:

1. Beasiswa S2 Pengawas Sekolah bagi Pengawas atau Calon Pengawas Sekolah (Kepala Sekolah/Guru) Pendidikan Menengah. Info lengkap dapat lihat di
2. Bantuan Studi bagi Guru SMK dan SMA.

Beasiswa 2014/15...»»

Info Program Beasiswa S2 Amerika


Info Beasiswa S2 dari Pemerintah Amerika (melalui AMINEF) memberikan kesempatan untuk mengikuti berbagai macam beasiswa , antara lain untuk program beasiswa S2 dan beasiswa S3 .

Informasi Beasiswa S2 Amerika untuk lebih lanjut mengenai masing - masing program beasiswa dapat dilihat di website AMINEF:

Bagi yang berminat mengikuti Program Beasiswa S2 dan memenuhi persyaratan dapat mengusulkan langsung ke:
Aminef Office, Gedung Balai Pustaka, Lt. 6
Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya, No. 4, Jakarta 10720
Tel.: 021-3452016, Fax: 021-3452050
atau dapat melalu email:

Beasiswa 2014/15...»»

Beasiswa Luar Negeri International Dissertation Research Fellowship


Beasiswa Luar Negeri PhD Research Fellowship in the field of humanities and social sciences for international students, 2012 USA

Beasiswa Luar Negeri Study Subject: Humanities and social sciences
Course Level: PhD
Scholarship Provider: SSRC
Scholarship can be taken at: USA

The program is open to graduate students in the humanities and social sciences — regardless of citizenship — enrolled in PhD programs in the United States. Applicants to the 2013 IDRF competition must complete all PhD requirements except on-site research by the time the fellowship begins or by December 2013, whichever comes first.

Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes

Beasiswa Luar Negeri Description: The Mellon International Dissertation Research Fellowship (IDRF) offers nine to twelve months of support to graduate students in the humanities and humanistic social sciences who are enrolled in PhD programs in the United States and conducting dissertation research on non-US topics. Eighty fellowships are awarded annually. Fellowship amounts vary depending on the research plan, with a per-fellowship average of $20,000. The fellowship includes participation in an SSRC-funded interdisciplinary workshop upon the completion of IDRF-funded research.Applicants from select disciplines within the humanities (Art History, Architectural History, Classics, Drama/Theater, Film Studies, Literature, Performance Studies, Philosophy, Political Theory, and Religion) are welcome to request three or more months of funding for international on-site dissertation research (in combination with US-based research, for a total of nine to twelve months of funding). All other applicants (for instance, those in Anthropology, Geography, History, Political Science, and Sociology, among others) must request nine to twelve months of on-site, site-specific dissertation research with a minimum of six months of research outside of the United States.

How to Apply: Online, The IDRF application must be filled out online and can be accessed through the SSRC Online Application Portal. You will also use this portal to contact your referees and language evaluator(s), complete the research relevance section, upload your research proposal and bibliography, and send reminders to referees and language evaluators.The reference letters and language evaluation(s) must also be submitted online by the same deadline.

Beasiswa Luar Negeri PhD Research Fellowship in the field of humanities and social sciences Information and Application detail in the url :

Beasiswa Luar Negeri International Dissertation Research Fellowship Application Deadline: November 7th 2012

Beasiswa 2014/15...»»

Beasiswa Luar Negeri PhD Scholarship in Neuroimaging Analysis Methods


Beasiswa Luar Negeri in The Multimodal Imaging Laboratory at ETH Zurich offers doctoral Scholarship in the field of Engineering/Applied Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, or Physics for overseas/EU Students, 2012 Switzerland

Info Beasiswa S2 Study Subject: Neuroimaging Analysis Methods
Course Level: PhD
Scholarship Provider: The Multimodal Imaging Laboratory at ETH Zürich
Scholarship can be taken at: Switzerland

Individuals who hold or will soon receive a Master’s degree in a technical discipline (e.g., Engineering/Applied Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, or Physics) are encouraged to apply. Proficiency in English language (in particular reading and writing) and experience with computer programming in MATLAB are required. Experience with the use of software for brain imaging data analysis is beneficial. Above all, candidates should be enthusiastic about learning new techniques and contributing to data collection and analysis.

Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes

Info Beasiswa Description: The Multimodal Imaging Laboratory at ETH Zürich offers an exciting and friendly multidisciplinary research environment with ample opportunities for training and collaboration and excellent technical facilities (including research-dedicated 3T MR scanner and access to a 7T high-field human facility), as well as laboratories for electroencephalography (EEG), transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), and transcranial direct current stimulations (tDCS).

How to Apply: Electronically, Applications should be sent electronically and include a CV (including publication list), a statement of interest, and the names and email addresses of two potential referees. Please apply online.

Beasiswa S2 Luar Negeri Australia in The Multimodal Imaging Laboratory at ETH Zurich offers doctoral Scholarship Information and Application detail in the url :

Beasiswa Luar Negeri S2 2012 PhD Scholarship in Neuroimaging Analysis Methods Application Deadline: 30 October 2012

Beasiswa 2014/15...»»

Info Beasiswa 2012-2013 Research Stipends in Humanities


Info Beasiswa 2012-2013 USA National Endowment for the Humanities offers Summer Stipends for US citizens and Foreign nationals pursuing research in the field of Humanities

Beasiswa Luar Negeri di Amerika Study Subject: Humanities
Scholarship Level: Research
Scholarship Provider: National Endowment for the Humanities
Scholarship can be taken at: USA

-The Summer Stipends program accepts applications from researchers, teachers, and writers, whether they have an institutional affiliation or not. Applicants with college or university affiliations must, however, be nominated by their institutions -U.S. citizens, whether they reside inside or outside the United States, are eligible to apply. Foreign nationals who have been living in the United States or its jurisdictions for at least the three years immediately preceding the application deadline are also eligible -All applicants must have completed their formal education by the application deadline.

Info Beasiswa Terbaru Scholarship Open for International Students : Yes (Foreign nationals who have been living in the United States or its jurisdictions for at least the three years)

Scholarship Description : Summer Stipends support individuals pursuing advanced research that is of value to humanities scholars, general audiences, or both. Recipients usually produce articles, monographs, books, digital materials, archaeological site reports, translations, editions, or other scholarly resources. Summer Stipends support continuous full-time work on a humanities project for a period of two months. Summer Stipends support projects at any stage of development. Summer Stipends are awarded to individual scholars. Organizations are not eligible to apply.NEH encourages submission of Summer Stipends applications from faculty at Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Hispanic-Serving Institutions, and Tribal Colleges and Universities . The Summer Stipends program welcomes projects that respond to NEH’s Bridging Cultures initiative. Such projects could focus on cultures internationally or within the United States. International projects might seek to enlarge Americans’ understanding of other places and times, as well as other perspectives and intellectual traditions. American projects might explore the great variety of cultural influences on, and myriad subcultures within, American society. These projects might also investigate how Americans have approached and attempted to surmount seemingly unbridgeable cultural divides, or examine the ideals of civility and civic discourse that have informed this quest.Summer Stipends provide $6,000 for two consecutive months of full-time research and writing. Recipients must work full-time on their projects for these two months and may hold other research grants supporting the same project during this time. Summer Stipends normally support work carried out during the summer months, but arrangements can be made for other times of the year.

Info Beasiswa 2012 Research Stipends in Humanities USA Scholarship Information and Application detail in the url :

Info Beasiswa 2012-2013 Research Stipends in Humanities Application Deadline: September 27, 2012

Beasiswa 2014/15...»»

Info Beasiswa 2012 Japanese South African Cooperative Research Programme


Info Beasiswa 2012 National Research Foundation offers Japanese South African Cooperative Research Programme in field of Life Sciences

Study Subject : Life Sciences
Course Level: Research
Scholarship Provider: National Research Foundation
Scholarship can be taken at: Japan and South Africa

All applicants must fulfill national and institutional eligibility rules for research grant application.

Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes (Japan and South Africa)

Scholarship Description : This program is designed to support additional expenses related to cooperation with a South African counterpart for a Japanese researcher or with a Japanese counterpart for a South African researcher, such as expenses for travel and/or conducting seminars/symposiums, with the precondition that the main research infrastructure is already ensured by each research group.

How to Apply: Electronically/Online
Info Beasiswa 2012 Japanese South African Cooperative Research Programme Information and Application detail in the url :

Info Beasiswa 2012 Japanese South African Cooperative Research Programme Application Deadline: 28 September 2012

Beasiswa 2014/15...»»
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