Info Beasiswa

Beasiswa Luar Negeri Inggris SOAS University


Beasiswa Luar Negeri Inggris SOAS University – 2014-2015 SOAS University of London akan memberikan Beasiswa senilai £ 7.000 untuk pelajar Internasional, Inggris / Uni Eropa yang memenuhi syarat untuk beasiswa penelitian ini. Durasi beasiswa adalah satu tahun dan diperbarui jika penerima penghargaan telah menunjukkan potensi yang luar biasa untuk penelitian yang akan diberitahu pada akhir Juli. Aplikasi melalui online harus sampai sebelum 23 Mei 2014.

Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries: Research Scholarships is open to UK/EU and International applicants.

Beasiswa Description: There are two Meiji Jingu Japanese Studies Research Scholarships available. Each scholarship is valued at £7,000 in total. Scholarships are for one year only, but it is possible to reapply if an award recipient has demonstrated outstanding potential for research. Please note that this scholarship cannot be held during the Extension of Writing-Up (Continuation) status.


  • Any full-time MPhil/PhD programme where the student will be working on some aspect of Japanese Studies.
  • Part-time programmes are not eligible.
  • Open to UK/EU and overseas applicants
  • Current PhD students at SOAS or newly enrolling full-time MPhil students with an offer of admission are eligible.
  • Newly enrolling MPhil students will be given preference.
  • Applicant must possess an MA degree from SOAS or an equivalent institution in a relevant subject.
  • Candidates must have an offer of admission by the scholarship deadline of 23 May 2014.

Info Beasiswa SOAS University of London information and application detail in the url

Beasiswa Luar Negeri 2014/15 di Inggris SOAS University deadline for applications is 23 May 2014.

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