Info Beasiswa

Info Beasiswa Luar Negeri Studi di Rusia


Dibuka Pendaftaran Beasiswa Luar Negeri Unggulan untuk Studi di Rusia
Dengan ini dibuka peluang mendapatkan Beasiswa Unggulan untuk studi di Rusia, dengan syarat :

Beasiswa 2014/15...»»

International Scholarships for Master and PhD Students Japan 2013


Info Beasiswa ke Japan 2013 , Honjo International Scholarship Foundation offers Scholarships for International Master and PhD Students

Info Beasiswa Study Subject: Students can study ant subject
Info Beasiswa Level: Level for scholarship is Master and PhD
Scholarship Provider: Honjo International Scholarship Foundation
Scholarship can be taken at: Japan

Beasiswa 2014/15...»»

2013 NISF Scholarships for Foreign Students in Japan


Info Beasiswa Japan 2013 Nitori International Scholarships Foundation offers Undergraduate and Master’s Scholarships for Foreign Students at Japanese Universities

Info Beasiswa Japan Study Subject: Courses offered by the universities.
Course Level: This Scholarship programme is available for undergraduate and postgraduate level.
Scholarship Provider: Nitori International Scholarship Foundation
Scholarship can be taken at: Japan

Beasiswa 2014/15...»»

Postdoctoral Research Opportunity for a Chemist or Materials Scientist, Japan 2012


Info Beasiswa Japan 2012 Postdoctoral Research Opportunity for a Chemist or Materials Scientist, Japan 2012

Postdoctoral Research in Material Sciences and Technology Development at National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan and Switzerland 2012

Beasiswa 2014/15...»»

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellowships


Info Beasiswa Japan Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Humanities and Social Sciences for US Students funded by JSPS, Japan 2013

Beasiswa 2014/15...»»

Beasiswa Luar Negeri Dikti 2013


Pendaftaran Beasiswa S2/S3 Luar Negeri Ditjen Dikti Gelombang I Alokasi Tahun 2013

Kepada Yth
1. Pimpinan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri
2. Koordinator Perguruan Tinggi Swasta

Beasiswa 2014/15...»»

Info Beasiswa Lulusan S1


Info Beasiswa S1 Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung Program Studi Magister Ilmu Lingkungan Program Pascasarjana Unpad menawarkan beasiswa bagi lulusan S1 dari berbagai bidang disiplin ilmu dengan IPK minimal 3,4 dan TOEFL minimal 500 untuk mengikuti pendidikan jenjang S2 Ilmu Lingkungan konsentrasi ‘Pembangunan dan Konservasi Lingkungan Perdesaan’. Beasiswa hanya disediakan untuk biaya pendidikan, tidak termasuk untuk biaya hidup selama studi .

Beasiswa 2014/15...»»

Tawaran Beasiswa S2 Belanda 2013/2014


Beasiswa S2 2013 Belanda , Impian untuk melanjutkan pendidikan ke negeri kincir angin Belanda bisa Anda wujudkan melalui beasiswa . Tahun ini, Radboud University Nijmegen, salah satu perguruan tinggi Belanda menawarkan beasiswa S2 yang dimulai 2013/2014. Mereka yang bisa mengajukan penawaran beasiswa ini adalah mahasiswa di luar kawasan Eropa, salah satunya Indonesia.

Info Program beasiswa Radboud sangat selektif dan ditujukan untuk mahasiswa berbakat yang telah meraih hasil penelitian yang luar biasa dan sangat termotivasi untuk mengejar gelar master di Radboud University. Setiap tahun disediakan 20 beasiswa di kampus ini. Beasiswa yang diberikan nantinya dalam bentuk biaya kuliah parsial, tidak dalam bentuk uang yang dikirimkan ke rekening bank. Misalnya, tahun ini jika biaya kuliah yang seharusnya ditanggung € 10.200 atau € 16.450, yang dibayarkan mungkin hanya € 1.771. Selain biaya kuliah parsial, Anda juga akan diberikan visa, ijin tinggal, asuransi kesehatan, dan asuransi wajib.

Prosedur Aplikasi:

Aplikasi masuk universitas dan aplikasi beasiswa sepenuhnya terintegrasi, tidak ada prosedur terpisah. Ikuti langkahnya di website ( Batas waktu untuk mengirimkan aplikasi, termasuk semua dokumen yang diperlukan, adalah 1 Maret 2013. Juga biaya yang harus dikeluarkan sudah harus diterima sebelum batas waktu tersebut. Jika informasi tidak lengkap atau biaya penanganan belum diterima, aplikasi secara otomatis akan ditolak.

Anda bisa menghubungi email: untuk informasi lebih jelas. Komite Seleksi Program Beasiswa Radboud akan memilih pemenang beasiswa berdasarkan nominasi tertinggi. Anda akan diberitahu keputusan akhir tersebut sebelum 1 Juni 2013.

Dokumen yang diperlukan:
1. Tunjukkan formulir aplikasi anda, bahwa Anda ingin memenuhi persyaratan Beasiswa Radboud
2. Surat motivasi untuk program gelar master
3. Ijazah dan transkrip yang telah dterjemahkan dalam bahasa Inggris oleh penerjemah resmi
4. Dua surat rekomendasi
5. Curriculum vitae (riwayat hidup)

Ctt: Surat rekomendasi dan curriculum vitae akan diminta setelah Anda masuk nominasi. Komite seleksi akan menghubungi. Anda hanya perlu menyiapkan dokumen-dokumen tersebut sebelum 15 Maret 2013.

Persyaratan Beasiswa :
1. Memiliki paspor non-EU/EEA (di luar Eropa atau kawasan ekonomi Eropa).
2. Telah sepenuhnya diterima di program master berbahasa Inggris oleh Kantor Kemahasiswaan sebagaimana dinyatakan dalam surat resmi Dewan Eksekutif.
3. Dapat memenuhi persyaratan untuk mendapatkan visa untuk Belanda.
4. Telah terdaftar di Radboud University sebagai mahasiswa penuh untuk tahun akademik dan program gelar master saatbeasiswa diberikan.

Kriteria seleksi:
Di bawah ini adalah beberapa pertimbangan komite seleksi untuk memiliki kandidat pemenang beasiswa:
1. Berbakat: Ini dilihat dari hasil penelitian yang luar biasa di lapangan saat studi
2. Memiliki prestasi
3. Memiliki kualitas pendidikan akademik (nilai, skor tes, publikasi, dll)
4. Didukung oleh dua surat rekomendasi
5. Motivasi: dilihat dari surat motivasi

*Sumber : (
Tawaran Info Beasiswa S2 Belanda 2013/2014 paling lambat sebelum 15 Maret 2013.

Beasiswa 2014/15...»»

Info Program Beasiswa Pascasarjana Unnes


Info Beasiswa Pascasarjana , Unnes menyelenggarakan Beasiswa Program Pascasarjana (BPPS) dari Dikti. BPPS diselenggarakan bagi calon mahasiswa yang berprofesi sebagai tenaga Dosen PTN/PTS.

Pendaftaran, persyaratan, dan informasi lebih lanjut dari beasiswa tersebut dapat diakses secara online melalui Pedoman BEASISWA PENDIDIKAN PASCASARJANA (BPPS) Tahun 2012 di website :(

Selain BPPS dari DIKTI, PPs Unnes juga menyelengarakan Beasiswa dan Bantuan Studi dari P2TK DIKMEN KEMENDIKBUD diantaranya:

1. Beasiswa S2 Pengawas Sekolah bagi Pengawas atau Calon Pengawas Sekolah (Kepala Sekolah/Guru) Pendidikan Menengah. Info lengkap dapat lihat di
2. Bantuan Studi bagi Guru SMK dan SMA.

Beasiswa 2014/15...»»

Info Program Beasiswa S2 Amerika


Info Beasiswa S2 dari Pemerintah Amerika (melalui AMINEF) memberikan kesempatan untuk mengikuti berbagai macam beasiswa , antara lain untuk program beasiswa S2 dan beasiswa S3 .

Informasi Beasiswa S2 Amerika untuk lebih lanjut mengenai masing - masing program beasiswa dapat dilihat di website AMINEF:

Bagi yang berminat mengikuti Program Beasiswa S2 dan memenuhi persyaratan dapat mengusulkan langsung ke:
Aminef Office, Gedung Balai Pustaka, Lt. 6
Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya, No. 4, Jakarta 10720
Tel.: 021-3452016, Fax: 021-3452050
atau dapat melalu email:

Beasiswa 2014/15...»»

Beasiswa Luar Negeri International Dissertation Research Fellowship


Beasiswa Luar Negeri PhD Research Fellowship in the field of humanities and social sciences for international students, 2012 USA

Beasiswa Luar Negeri Study Subject: Humanities and social sciences
Course Level: PhD
Scholarship Provider: SSRC
Scholarship can be taken at: USA

The program is open to graduate students in the humanities and social sciences — regardless of citizenship — enrolled in PhD programs in the United States. Applicants to the 2013 IDRF competition must complete all PhD requirements except on-site research by the time the fellowship begins or by December 2013, whichever comes first.

Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes

Beasiswa Luar Negeri Description: The Mellon International Dissertation Research Fellowship (IDRF) offers nine to twelve months of support to graduate students in the humanities and humanistic social sciences who are enrolled in PhD programs in the United States and conducting dissertation research on non-US topics. Eighty fellowships are awarded annually. Fellowship amounts vary depending on the research plan, with a per-fellowship average of $20,000. The fellowship includes participation in an SSRC-funded interdisciplinary workshop upon the completion of IDRF-funded research.Applicants from select disciplines within the humanities (Art History, Architectural History, Classics, Drama/Theater, Film Studies, Literature, Performance Studies, Philosophy, Political Theory, and Religion) are welcome to request three or more months of funding for international on-site dissertation research (in combination with US-based research, for a total of nine to twelve months of funding). All other applicants (for instance, those in Anthropology, Geography, History, Political Science, and Sociology, among others) must request nine to twelve months of on-site, site-specific dissertation research with a minimum of six months of research outside of the United States.

How to Apply: Online, The IDRF application must be filled out online and can be accessed through the SSRC Online Application Portal. You will also use this portal to contact your referees and language evaluator(s), complete the research relevance section, upload your research proposal and bibliography, and send reminders to referees and language evaluators.The reference letters and language evaluation(s) must also be submitted online by the same deadline.

Beasiswa Luar Negeri PhD Research Fellowship in the field of humanities and social sciences Information and Application detail in the url :

Beasiswa Luar Negeri International Dissertation Research Fellowship Application Deadline: November 7th 2012

Beasiswa 2014/15...»»

Beasiswa Luar Negeri PhD Scholarship in Neuroimaging Analysis Methods


Beasiswa Luar Negeri in The Multimodal Imaging Laboratory at ETH Zurich offers doctoral Scholarship in the field of Engineering/Applied Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, or Physics for overseas/EU Students, 2012 Switzerland

Info Beasiswa S2 Study Subject: Neuroimaging Analysis Methods
Course Level: PhD
Scholarship Provider: The Multimodal Imaging Laboratory at ETH Zürich
Scholarship can be taken at: Switzerland

Individuals who hold or will soon receive a Master’s degree in a technical discipline (e.g., Engineering/Applied Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, or Physics) are encouraged to apply. Proficiency in English language (in particular reading and writing) and experience with computer programming in MATLAB are required. Experience with the use of software for brain imaging data analysis is beneficial. Above all, candidates should be enthusiastic about learning new techniques and contributing to data collection and analysis.

Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes

Info Beasiswa Description: The Multimodal Imaging Laboratory at ETH Zürich offers an exciting and friendly multidisciplinary research environment with ample opportunities for training and collaboration and excellent technical facilities (including research-dedicated 3T MR scanner and access to a 7T high-field human facility), as well as laboratories for electroencephalography (EEG), transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), and transcranial direct current stimulations (tDCS).

How to Apply: Electronically, Applications should be sent electronically and include a CV (including publication list), a statement of interest, and the names and email addresses of two potential referees. Please apply online.

Beasiswa S2 Luar Negeri Australia in The Multimodal Imaging Laboratory at ETH Zurich offers doctoral Scholarship Information and Application detail in the url :

Beasiswa Luar Negeri S2 2012 PhD Scholarship in Neuroimaging Analysis Methods Application Deadline: 30 October 2012

Beasiswa 2014/15...»»

Info Beasiswa 2012-2013 Research Stipends in Humanities


Info Beasiswa 2012-2013 USA National Endowment for the Humanities offers Summer Stipends for US citizens and Foreign nationals pursuing research in the field of Humanities

Beasiswa Luar Negeri di Amerika Study Subject: Humanities
Scholarship Level: Research
Scholarship Provider: National Endowment for the Humanities
Scholarship can be taken at: USA

-The Summer Stipends program accepts applications from researchers, teachers, and writers, whether they have an institutional affiliation or not. Applicants with college or university affiliations must, however, be nominated by their institutions -U.S. citizens, whether they reside inside or outside the United States, are eligible to apply. Foreign nationals who have been living in the United States or its jurisdictions for at least the three years immediately preceding the application deadline are also eligible -All applicants must have completed their formal education by the application deadline.

Info Beasiswa Terbaru Scholarship Open for International Students : Yes (Foreign nationals who have been living in the United States or its jurisdictions for at least the three years)

Scholarship Description : Summer Stipends support individuals pursuing advanced research that is of value to humanities scholars, general audiences, or both. Recipients usually produce articles, monographs, books, digital materials, archaeological site reports, translations, editions, or other scholarly resources. Summer Stipends support continuous full-time work on a humanities project for a period of two months. Summer Stipends support projects at any stage of development. Summer Stipends are awarded to individual scholars. Organizations are not eligible to apply.NEH encourages submission of Summer Stipends applications from faculty at Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Hispanic-Serving Institutions, and Tribal Colleges and Universities . The Summer Stipends program welcomes projects that respond to NEH’s Bridging Cultures initiative. Such projects could focus on cultures internationally or within the United States. International projects might seek to enlarge Americans’ understanding of other places and times, as well as other perspectives and intellectual traditions. American projects might explore the great variety of cultural influences on, and myriad subcultures within, American society. These projects might also investigate how Americans have approached and attempted to surmount seemingly unbridgeable cultural divides, or examine the ideals of civility and civic discourse that have informed this quest.Summer Stipends provide $6,000 for two consecutive months of full-time research and writing. Recipients must work full-time on their projects for these two months and may hold other research grants supporting the same project during this time. Summer Stipends normally support work carried out during the summer months, but arrangements can be made for other times of the year.

Info Beasiswa 2012 Research Stipends in Humanities USA Scholarship Information and Application detail in the url :

Info Beasiswa 2012-2013 Research Stipends in Humanities Application Deadline: September 27, 2012

Beasiswa 2014/15...»»

Info Beasiswa 2012 Japanese South African Cooperative Research Programme


Info Beasiswa 2012 National Research Foundation offers Japanese South African Cooperative Research Programme in field of Life Sciences

Study Subject : Life Sciences
Course Level: Research
Scholarship Provider: National Research Foundation
Scholarship can be taken at: Japan and South Africa

All applicants must fulfill national and institutional eligibility rules for research grant application.

Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes (Japan and South Africa)

Scholarship Description : This program is designed to support additional expenses related to cooperation with a South African counterpart for a Japanese researcher or with a Japanese counterpart for a South African researcher, such as expenses for travel and/or conducting seminars/symposiums, with the precondition that the main research infrastructure is already ensured by each research group.

How to Apply: Electronically/Online
Info Beasiswa 2012 Japanese South African Cooperative Research Programme Information and Application detail in the url :

Info Beasiswa 2012 Japanese South African Cooperative Research Programme Application Deadline: 28 September 2012

Beasiswa 2014/15...»»

Info Beasiswa 2012 Japan Foundation Research Grant in Glycoscience


Info Beasiswa 2012 Japan Research Grant funded by Mizutani Foundation in the field of Glycoscience

Study Subject : Glycoscience
Course Level: Research
Scholarship Provider: Mizutani Foundation
Scholarship can be taken at: Japan

An applicant must (a) have a doctor’s degree or its equivalent, (b) have a documented capability of performing independent studies and (c) be a member of a research institute where he or she can carry out the proposed project. Previous grant recipients who were awarded prior to 2008 are eligible.

Scholarship Description : As much as 7,000,000 yen may be requested. In principle, a grant will be approved for one year, however, if desired, the period can be extended up to one year with the approval of the foundation . The total budget for grants is 70,000,000 yen per annum. No more than 10% of the grant may be used for indirect costs (overheads), and no part of the grant may be used for stipends of the principal and/or collaborative investigators.

How to Apply: Online
Info Beasiswa 2012 Japan Foundation Research Grant in Glycoscience Information and Application detail in the url :

Info Beasiswa 2012 Japan Foundation Research Grant in Glycoscience Application Deadline: September 1, 2012

Beasiswa 2014/15...»»

Info Beasiswa 2012 Epilepsy Foundation Predoctoral Research


Info Beasiswa 2012 - 2013 Epilepsy Foundation offers Predoctoral Research Training Fellowship for international students , USA

Study Subject : All fields of research pertinent to epilepsy
Course Level: PhD
Scholarship Provider: Epilepsy Foundation
Scholarship can be taken at: USA

Eligibility: If you are a current or previous recipient of a Pre-doctoral Research Training Fellowship award from the Epilepsy Foundation you are not eligible to apply in this category again. To be eligible to apply for a Pre-doctoral Research Training Fellowship, an applicant must:
-Be matriculating in a full-time doctoral (Ph.D.) program with an academic career focus. Areas of interest considered include, but are not limited to neuroscience, physiology, pharmacology, psychology, biochemistry, genetics, nursing, or pharmacy
-Have a defined dissertation research project
-Have a qualified preceptor with expertise to supervise and provide guidance on the aspects of the research related to epilepsy
-Have access to institutional resources to conduct the proposed research project
-The Epilepsy Foundation supports research within the United States and its territories only. Recipients of the fellowships must agree to comply with all relevant policies and guidelines of the Epilepsy Foundation
-U.S. citizenship is not required; however, research must be conducted in the U.S
-Applications from women, members of minority groups, and people with disabilities are especially encouraged to apply.

Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes

Scholarship Description: The Epilepsy Foundation awards grants and fellowships for cutting-edge research into the causes of epilepsy. Program goals include understanding basic mechanisms, developing new therapeutic approaches, understanding the behavioral and psychosocial aspects of having epilepsy, and encouraging the professional development of scientists and healthcare professionals. The purpose of the Pre-doctoral Research Training Fellowship is to support pre-doctoral students with dissertation research related to epilepsy. Applications from all fields of research pertinent to epilepsy will be considered. This fellowship provides one year of support for qualified individuals who are pursuing dissertation research with an epilepsy relevant theme, and who are working under the guidance of a preceptor with expertise to supervise in the area of epilepsy investigation. The fellowship carries a stipend of up to $20,000 ($19,000 for stipend and $1,000 to support travel to attend the annual meeting of the American Epilepsy Society). The number of awards granted each year is contingent on available funds.

Info Beasiswa 2012 Epilepsy Foundation Predoctoral Research Information and Application detail in the url:

Info Beasiswa 2012 Epilepsy Foundation Predoctoral Research Application Deadline: August 31, 2012

Beasiswa 2014/15...»»

Info Beasiswa Terbaru API 2013/2014


Info Beasiswa Penelitian API Indonesia Tahun 2012 2013

Pendaftaran Beasiswa diajukan mulai 1 Juli 2012 - 31 Agustus 2012. Kegiatan penelitian nantinya dimulai untuk tahun 2013-2014 dengan periode beasiswa selama satu bulan hingga satu tahun, tergantung lamanya penelitian.

Sebagai peneliti, dukungan dana sudah pasti akan sangat membantu. Banyak kasus karena keterbatasan dana, kegiatan penelitian akhirnya tidak mulus. Kini, Anda bisa melakukan penelitian tanpa harus pusing memikirkan biaya melalui beasiswa dari The Nippon Foundation. Tahun ini lembaga nirlaba itu, menyediakan beasiswa API (Asian Public Intellectuals) yang ditujukan bagi para peneliti di lima negara, yakni Indonesia, Jepang, Malaysia, Filipina, dan Thailand.

Info Beasiswa API diberikan dalam dua kategori, yaitu beasiswa senior API (The API senior fellowships) dan beasiswa API (The API fellowships) . Beasiswa Senior API diperuntukkan bagi mereka yang berusia 40 tahun ke atas, Beasiswa API diperuntukkan bagi mereka yang berusia di bawah 40 tahun. Yang perlu diingat, kegiatan penelitian tidak dilakukan di negara asal, melainkan di empat negara lainnya.

Siapa saja yang boleh melamar:
Setiap orang yang berpartisipasi dalam memproduksi pertukaran pengetahuan atau gagasan-gagasan sesuai dengan tujuan-tujuan ProgramBeasiswa API dapat melamar. Dalam hal ini termasuk para akademisi, peneliti, profesional, artis, penggiat LSM, pekerja sosial, pegawai negeri, dan berbagai pihak yang bekerja untuk kemajuan masyarakat.

Tema penelitian yang bisa diambil:
Perubahan Identitas dan Konteks Sosial, Sejarah, dan Kebudayaan.
Refleksi mengenai Kondisi Kemanusiaan dan upaya Mewujudkan Keadilan Sosial.
Globalisasi: Struktur, Proses, dan Alternatifnya.

Fasilitas yang diperoleh:
Gaji dan tunjangan perumahan selama periode beasiswa. Jumlahnya berbeda antar negara sesuai dengan lamanya beasiswa.
Transportasi internasional untuk sekali jalan.
Tunjangan transportasi dalam negeri.
Tunjangan penelitian untuk membeli komputer, biaya perjalanan, buku, penerjemahan, dsb.
Asuransi perjalanan selama periode Beasiswa .

Jadwal Proses Seleksi:
Periode lamaran dari tanggal 1 Juli 2012 hingga 31 Agustus 2012.
Wawancara akan diadakan bulan September/Oktober 2012*.
Hasil akan diumumkan pada bulan Februari 2013.

* Tidak akan ada wawancara susulan jika pelamar tidak dapat menghadiri wawancara pada waktu yang ditentukan. Karena itu, mereka yang tidak dapat hadir pada saat wawancara dengan sendirinya gagal dari proses seleksi.

Persyaratan Umum Beasiswa Senior API dan Beasiswa API :

Para pelamar haruslah seorang warga negara/atau benar adalah warga negara dari salah satu negara peserta dan tinggal di negara (Indonesia, Jepang, Malaysia, Filipina, dan Thailand) pada saat melamar;
Para pelamar harus menghadiri wawancara di tempat dan waktu yang ditentukan; Para pelamar harus mengajukan proyek penelitian dan/atau aktivitas profesional yang dimulai tanggal 1 Juli 2013 dan harus selesai sebelum atau akhir Juli 2014; Para pelamar harus memiliki pengetahuan dasar bahasa Inggris. Kemampuan berbicara menggunakan bahasa/bahasa- bahasa di mana proyek penelitian diusulkan dan atau aktivitas profesional dilakukan menjadi suatu aset; dan Para pelamar harus dan akan terus berada di kawasan/negara di waktu yang akan datang; Ketika terseleksi, mereka harus menghadiri Orientasi dan Country Workshop pada bulan Februari/Maret 2013. Ketidakhadiran saat Orientasi dapat berdampak pada pembatalan seleksi.

Tambahan Syarat Beasiswa Senior API :

Berusia di atas 40 tahun atau lebih pada tanggal 31 Agustus 2012 (kekecualian diberlakukan) ;
Memiliki kemampuan dan pengalaman untuk melakukan proyek penelitian dan/atau aktivitas profesional di negara-negara peserta (Indonesia, Jepang, Malaysia, Filipina, dan Thailand), selain dari negara asal atau negara tempat tinggal; Melaksanakan usulan proyek penelitian dan/atau aktivitas profesional di empat negara peserta (Indonesia, Jepang, Malaysia, Filipina, dan Thailand), tetapi di satu negara atau di negara-negara selain negara asal atau negara tempat tinggal pelamar; Melaksanakan usulan proyek penelitian dan/atau aktivitas penelitian secara berkesinambungan untuk periode antara 1 (satu) hingga 12 (duabelas) bulan; dan Memiliki kemampuan, pengaruh, dan alat untuk menyebarluaskan hasil-hasil proyek penelitian dan/atau aktivitas profesional.

Tambahan Syarat Beasiswa API:

Berusia kurang dari 40 tahun pada tanggal 31 Agustus 2012 (kekecualian diberlakukan) ;
Memiliki kemampuan dan keinginan untuk merelevansikan proyek penelitian dan/atau aktivitas-aktivitas profesional di negara-negara peserta (Indonesia, Jepang, Malaysia, Filipina, dan Thailand) selain dari negara asal atau negara tempat tinggalnya;
Mempunyai potensi yang kuat untuk memberikan kontribusi kepakarannya pada masa mendatang;
Melaksanakan proyek penelitian yang diusulkan dan/atau aktivitas-aktivitas profesional untuk satu periode waktu secara berkesinambungan antara 4 (empat) dan 12 (duabelas) bulan; dan Melaksanakan proyek penelitian dan/atau aktivitas profesional di satu sampai dua negara peserta (Indonesia, Malaysia, Jepang, Filipina, dan Thailand), tetapi di satu negara atau negara-negara selain dari negara asal atau negara tempat tinggal pelamar.

Surat Bersampul dengan pendahuluan singkat tentang diri Anda dengan rinci dan mengapa Anda melamar Program Beasiswa API .

Daftar Riwayat Hidup lengkap dalam bahasa Inggris. Daftar riwayat hidup panjangnya tidak boleh lebih dari tiga halaman dan harus rinci berisi tentang pendidikan, karier profesional, publikasi, dan prestasi.

Usulan Proyek menjelaskan pertanyaan-pertanya an berikut (seluruhnya ditulis lima halaman atau kurang):

(1) Mengapa Anda melamar Program Beasiswa API?
(2) Siapakah intelektual publik menurut defenisi Anda?
(3) Apakah proyek Anda? Silahkan menjawabnya dengan rinci.
(4) Mengapa Anda ingin melakukan proyek ini?
(5) Mengapa Anda adalah orang yang tepat untuk melakukan proyek ini? (Sebutkan pengalaman sebelumnya yang relevan).
(6) Bagaimana Anda mengerjakan proyek itu? (Metodologi) .
(7) Apakah hasil dari proyek Anda (Makalah penelitian, video, pertunjukan, dan lain-lain) dan bagaimana anda akan mendistribusikannya ?
(8) Bagaimana proyek Anda berkontribusi sesuai dengan tujuan-tujuan API?
(9) Apakah keberhasilan Anda sebelumnya dan rencana masa depan sebagai intelektual public (organisasi, advokasi, publikasi, dsb)? Bagaimana beasiswa ini akan membantu Anda?
10. Dua Surat Rekomendasi dengan tanda tangan asli pemberi rekomendasi. Jika rekomendasi itu ditulis tidak dalam bahasa Inggris, Anda harus mempersiapkan terjemahan dalam bahasa Inggris.

Kedua surat rekomendasi ini ditujukan kepada Program Beasiswa API , dan harus ditulis dalam waktu tiga bulan sebelum batas terakhir penyerahan lamaran.
Para pelamar agar mengirimkan proposal penelitian kepada:
Prof. Dr. John Haba dan Dr. Yekti Maunati,
PSDR LIPI, Gedung Widya Graha, lantai 9
Jln. Jend. Gatot Subroto No. 10 Jakarta 12710, Indonesia
Telp. 021-5251542, pes.680 dan 686
Email: dan
Info Beasiswa Terbaru ini di ambil dari sumber:

Beasiswa 2014/15...»»

Info Beasiswa S2 FIG Foundation PhD Scholarship for Developing Countries


Info Beasiswa S2 FIG Foundation offers PhD Scholarship for the students of developing countries, Denmark 2012

Info Beasiswa Study Subject: Surveying/geomatics academic programme
Course Level PhD
Scholarship Provider: FIG Foundation
Scholarship can be taken at: Denmark

Eligibility: Applicants shall:
-Be studying for a PhD degree and registered solely in a surveying/geomatics academic programme that teaches surveying in a country listed by the World Bank as a lowincome, lower-middle or upper-middle income economy
-Must have had a paper accepted by a peer reviewed international journal based on their doctoral research project; applicants should be the lead author, and the paper should be co-authored with their supervisor
-Should not have submitted their final thesis at the application deadline.

Info Beasiswa S2 Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes

Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries: Country listed by the World Bank as a low income, lower-middle or upper-middle income economy.

Beasiswa S2 Description: The FIG Foundation will be providing scholarships of up to 4,000 euros to PhD students. Applications will be judged on the quality of the application and need. In the event that two excellent applications are judged to be of equal quality, applications from low-income and lowermiddle income countries will be preferred.

Beasiswa S2 Luar Negeri Australia FIG Foundation PhD Scholarship for Developing Countries Information and Application detail in the url :

Beasiswa Luar Negeri S2 2012 FIG Foundation PhD Scholarship for Developing Countries Application Deadline: 1 November 2012

Beasiswa 2014/15...»»

Info Beasiswa Luar Negeri 2012 Master Thesis at ICFO


Info Beasiswa Luar Negeri 2012 Master Thesis ICFO- The Institute of Photonics Sciences offers Master Position in the field of experimental quantum optics for International students, 2012 Spain

Info Beasiswa Luar Negeri Study Subject: Quantum Optics with Solid State Quantum Memories
Course Level: Master
Scholarship Provider: ICFO- The Institutue of Photonics Sciences
Scholarship can be taken at: Spain

Eligibility:-The candidate should have good knowledge in non linear and quantum optics, and quantum information science. There are no restrictions of citizenship for the ICFO positions.

Info Beasiswa Terbaru Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes

Info Beasiswa Description: The Quantum Photonics with Solid and Atoms group (QPSA, at ICFO, led by Prof. Hugues de Riedmatten, is opening a Master thesis position in experimental quantum optics. The project is within the framework of quantum information science, which goal is to control quantum coherence effects in matter and light to enable new information processing capabilities. More precisely, the project will focus on the realization of quantum memories (QM) for light. QMs allow a coherent and reversible transfer of quantum information between light and long lived matter quantum bits.

Info Beasiswa Luar Negeri 2012 Master Thesis Information and Application

Info Beasiswa S2 Luar Negeri 2012 Master Thesis Application Deadline: 31st of December, 2012

Beasiswa 2014/15...»»

Info Beasiswa S2 Luar Negeri Ditjen Dikti Tahun 2012 2013


Info Beasiswa S2/S3 Luar Negeri Ditjen Dikti Gelombang I Alokasi Tahun 2013

Kepada Yth
1. Pimpinan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri
2. Koordinator Perguruan Tinggi Swasta

Sebagai upaya meningkatkan kualifikasi dosen, Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi melalui Direktorat Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan kembali membuka pendaftaran beasiswa S2/S3 luar negeri Gelombang I untuk alokasi tahun 2013. Program beasiswa ini diperuntukkan bagi dosen tetap PTN, dosen DPk dan dosen tetap yayasan (PTS) di lingkungan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan dan diutamakan untuk program S3 (PhD).

Bagi yang berminat melamar beasiswa tersebut, silakan mendaftar secara on-line melalui website:, paling lambat tanggal 31 Oktober 2012. Melalui pendaftaran secara on-line ini, setiap pendaftar akan memperoleh nomor registrasi on-line. Namun, apabila ada pendaftar yang berkas lamarannya disampaikan lengkap sampai dengan tanggal 31 Juli 2012, ada kemungkinan peserta diberangkatkan tahun 2012.

Selanjutnya, untuk mengklarifikasi informasi yang telah disampaikan secara on-line, kami mohon pelamar mengirimkan berkas-berkas lamaran berupa:

Nomor registrasi on-line;
Bukti memiliki NIP/NIK dan NIDN;
Surat izin rektor/pimpinan perguruan tinggi;
Surat izin Kopertis (khusus bagi pelamar dari PTS);
Form-A Dikti;
Letter of Acceptance (LoA) dari perguruan tinggi luar negeri yang terakreditasi; Salinan ijazah S1 bagi pelamar jenjang S2 dan ijazah S2 bagi pelamar jenjang S3; Bukti kemampuan berbahasa Inggris (TOEFL/IELTS), Jerman, Perancis, Jepang atau bahasa lain berstandar internasional, sesuai dengan negara tempat perguruan tinggi yang dituju (tidak lebih dari 2 tahun terakhir);
Surat rekomendasi (3 buah); dan
Proposal penelitian dalam bahasa Inggris khusus untuk S3.

Seluruh berkas tersebut di atas dimasukkan dalam MAP HIJAU dengan menuliskan nama, alamat, serta nomor registrasi on-line pengirim, dan paling lambat kami terima tanggal 14 Nopember 2012 pukul 15.00 WIB. Berkas lamaran dikirimkan ke:

Direktorat Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan
Ditjen Pendidikan Tinggi
Kompleks Kemdiknas Gedung D Lantai 5
Jln. Jenderal Sudirman, Pintu 1 Senayan, Jakarta 10270

Apabila terdapat pertanyaan ataupun permasalahan berkaitan dengan pendaftaran secara on-line, mohon disampaikan melalui email:

Demikian pemberitahuan Info Beasiswa Luar Negeri S2 Ditjen Dikti Tahun 2012 2013 . Atas perhatian dan kerjasama yang baik, kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Direktur Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan
Supriadi Rustad
NIP. 19600104 198703 1 002
Info Beasiswa S2 Luar Negeri Ditjen Dikti Tahun 2012 2013 Lampiran: Surat Resmi :

Beasiswa 2014/15...»»

Info Beasiswa 2012 Democracy Fellowship for Developing Countries


Info Beasiswa 2012 Scholarships in USA in the National Endowment for Democracy offers Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellowship for practitioners, scholars, and journalists from developing countries, USA 2013-2014

Info Beasiswa Study Subject: Project related to the prospects for democracy in a particular country or region.
Course Level: Research
Scholarship Provider: The National Endowment for Democracy
Scholarship can be taken at: USA

Eligibility: The fellowship is intended primarily for individuals from developing and aspiring democracies. Distinguished scholars from the United States and other established democracies are eligible to apply. Practitioners and journalists should have substantial work experience in their fields, while scholars are expected to have a Ph.D., or academic equivalent, at the time of application. The program does not support professional training, fieldwork, or students working toward a degree, nor does it provide funding to implement projects in the field. A working knowledge of English is required for participation in the program.

Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes

Info Beasiswa Luar Negeri Terbaru Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries: Developing and aspiring Countries

Beasiswa 2012 Description: The Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows Program is an international exchange program that offers practitioners, scholars, and journalists from around the world the opportunity to spend five months at the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), in Washington DC, in order to undertake independent research on democratic challenges worldwide. While in residence, fellows reflect on their experiences; conduct research and writing; consider best practices and lessons learned; and develop professional relationships within a global network of democracy advocates.The program runs two five-month fellowship sessions per year, during which fellows are expected to work full time on their projects. Practitioners focus on strategies and best practices for strengthening democracy in their country of interest; scholars conduct original research for publication. Projects may address the economic, political, social, legal, or cultural aspects of democratic development and include a range of methodologies and approaches. The program hosts an active calendar of events, including an introduction to NED and its partner institutions. Fellows are expected to present their work and prepare a written product during their stay.

Info Beasiswa 2012 Luar Negeri Democracy Fellowship for Developing Countries Information and Application detail in the url :

Info Beasiswa Terbaru 2012 Democracy Fellowship for Developing Countries Application Deadline: October 15, 2012

Beasiswa 2014/15...»»

Info Beasiswa Terbaru 2013-2014 di Amerika Graduate Fellowships


Info Beasiswa Terbaru 2013-2014 di Amerika Graduate Fellowships in the fields of law, journalism, international relations, or other relevant studies in USA

Info Beasiswa 2012 Luar Negeri Study Subject: International Human Rights
Course Level: Graduate
Scholarship Provider: Human Rights Watch
Scholarship can be taken at: USA

Applicants must demonstrate a strong background in international human rights and be committed to building a career in human rights. Research experience, including experience conducting interviews, ideally in the context of human rights research, is required. Field experience in human rights work is strongly desirable. Applicants must have exceptional analytic skills and excellent oral and written communications skills in English. Proficiency in one language in addition to English is strongly desired as is familiarity with countries or regions where serious human rights violations occur.

Scholarship Description: Fellows typically work full-time in Human Rights Watch’s New York or Washington, D.C. office or in some instances in another location. The NYU, Sandler, and Finberg Fellows work full-time for one year with Human Rights Watch. The Arthur Koenig Fellow works full-time for two years with Human Rights Watch. The Aryeh Neier Fellow works full-time for one year at Human Rights Watch and one year at the ACLU.

Beasiswa Luar Negeri di Amerika Graduate Fellowships Information and Application detail in the url :

Info Beasiswa Luar Negeri Terbaru di Amerika Graduate Fellowships Application Deadline: October 11, 2012

Beasiswa 2014/15...»»

Info Beasiswa S2 Australia 2012 Postdoctoral Research Fellowship


Info Beasiswa S2 Australia 2012 Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Developmental Psychology in School of Psychology at University of Queensland, Australia 2012

Info Beasiswa S2 Study Subject(: Developmental Psychology
Course Level: Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
Scholarship Provider: School of Psychology, University of Queensland
Scholarship can be taken at: Australia

The position would suit applicants with a background in developmental psychology who have a demonstrated interest in and understanding of social-cognitive development including joint attention and theory of mind. Applicants must have completed a PhD in developmental psychology.

Info Beasiswa Description: The School of Psychology, University of Queensland is seeking applications for the position of Postdoctoral Research Fellow to carry out research on social-cognitive development in infancy and early childhood. The School is internationally recognised for its research strengths across the breadth of psychology and supports the Early Cognitive Development Centre, a purpose-built facility for testing and working with infants and young children.

The appointee will be responsible for conducting research in collaboration with Professor Virginia Slaughter, who will be Head of Psychology from 2013. Professor Slaughter seeks an established junior researcher to (a) help her maintain an ongoing research program in social-cognitive development and (b) develop new collaborative projects. The start date for the position is February 2013 and the initial duration is 3 years (with opportunity for extension to a total of 5 years). This is a full-time, fixed term appointment at Academic level A. The remuneration package will be in the range $55,931 – $75,868 p.a., plus employer superannuation contributions of up to 17% (total package will be in the range $65,440 – $88,765 p.a.). Appointees with a PhD will commence at Step 6 of the scale ($70,676 plus 17% employer superannuation)

Info Beasiswa Luar Negeri Australia Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Information and Application detail in the url :

Info Beasiswa Australia 2012 Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Application Deadline: 15 Oct 2012

Beasiswa 2014/15...»»

Info Beasiswa Australia 2012 Merit Scholarship for Undergraduate Students


Info Beasiswa Australia 2012 at Monash University offers Merit Scholarship for Undergraduate national/International Students in the field of Art, Australia

Beasiswa S2 Luar Negeri Australia Study Subject: Arts
Course Level: Undergraduate
Scholarship Provider: Monash University
Scholarship can be taken at: Australia

Australian or New Zealand citizen, holder of an Australian permanent resident visa or permanent humanitarian visa, international student Commencing an honours program in the Faculty of Arts at a Monash campus in Australia.

Info Beasiswa Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes

Beasiswa 2012 Description: $4000 for a full time study load (48 credit points) paid per year until the minimum points for your degree are completed (for the highest achieving student).$3000 for a full time study load (48 credit points) paid per year until the minimum points for your degree are completed (for all other students).Minimum of a high distinction average (80% or above) in your undergraduate major/honours specialisation.

How to Apply: Online
Info Beasiswa S2 Luar Negeri Australia Merit Scholarship for Undergraduate Students Information and Application detail in the url :

Info Beasiswa Luar Negeri ke Australia Merit Scholarship for Undergraduate Students Application Deadline: 19 October 2012

Beasiswa 2014/15...»»

Beasiswa S2 Luar Negeri Australia PhD Scholarship Program 2012-2013


Beasiswa S2 Luar Negeri Australia in The Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) and James Cook University (JCU) offers PhD Scholarship Program for both domestic and international students in the field of Fish and climate change, Australia 2012

Beasiswa Luar Negeri Study Subject: Fish and climate change
Course Level: PhD
Scholarship Provider: The Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) and James Cook University (JCU)
Scholarship can be taken at: Australia

-Applicants should have experience, or a keen interest in eco-physiology, and should be suited to both lab- and field-based research
-A background in quantitative experimental design and analysis is desirable
-Both domestic and international students are encouraged to apply.

Beasiswa S2 Luar Negeri Open for International Students: Yes

Beasiswa S2 Description: The Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) and James Cook University (JCU) have an extensive research program studying the challenges of climate change faced by coral reef fishes. Through the AIMS@JCU scholarship program.we are seeking high-quality and motivated PhD students to apply for a scholarship to join our research team. The Great Barrier Reef represents the largest and best-protected coral reef ecosystem in the world. Since 2004, fully 1/3 of the GBR has been protected from fishing in an effort to support the natural function of reef fishes in maintaining a resilience reef ecosystem. This system of open, closed and no-go reefs provides a unique opportunity to understand how the food web structure of reef fish communities varies with fishing pressure across a large spatial scale. Through the use of ecological tracer and spatial movement information, this project aims to use advanced statistical modeling approaches to quantify food web structure among reefs with varying levels of protection in order to understand the trophic role of top predator and target fishes in reef ecosystems.

How to Apply: By Electronically
Info Beasiswa Luar Negeri Australia PhD Scholarship Program 2012-2013 Application Deadline: 31 st August 2012 (international students) and 31 st October 2012 (domestic students)

Beasiswa S2 Luar Negeri ke Australia PhD Scholarship Program 2012-2013 Information and Application detail in the url :

Beasiswa 2014/15...»»

Beasiswa Luar Negeri ke Australia Postgraduate Scholarship Program


Beasiswa Luar Negeri ke Australia at Northern Territory Government offers Postgraduate Scholarship Program for Research and Innovation, Australia 2012

Info Beasiswa di Luar Negeri Study Subject: Undertaking research that is aligned to the Northern Territory
Government’s research priorities
Course Level: Postgraduate
Scholarship Provider: The Northern Territory Government
Scholarship can be taken at: Australia

-Students who are enrolled in a postgraduate degree and are undertaking research that is aligned to the Backing Territory Research.
-The application must be of a high standard, with clearly explained objectives, methods and outcomes that support Northern Territory research priorities.

Beasiswa Luar Negeri Description: In 2012, the Northern Territory Research and Innovation Board may recommend up to five scholarships that will be valued at up to $3000 each and will be paid by the end of November 2012.The Northern Territory Research and Innovation Board Postgraduate Scholarship is an annual program that offers assistance to students who are enrolled in a postgraduate degree and are undertaking research that is aligned to the Backing Territory Research: Research Priorities for the Northern Territory 2008-2012 and has the potential to provide economic, social and environmental benefits for the Northern Territory.

Beasiswa Luar Negeri ke Australia Postgraduate Scholarship Program Information and Application detail in the url :

Info Beasiswa Luar Negeri Australia Scholarship Program Application Deadline: 17 August 2012

Beasiswa 2014/15...»»

Info Beasiswa Luar Negeri Australia Scholarship for Undergraduate Students


Info Beasiswa Luar Negeri Australia at University of Wollongong offers Dharawal Scholarship for Undergraduate Students

Info Beasiswa di Luar Negeri Study Subject: Courses offered by the University
Course Level: Undergraduate
Scholarship Provider: University of Wollongong
Scholarship can be taken at: Australia

-Applicant must be enrolled full time in an undergraduate degree at the University of Wollongong
-Applicant must maintain a pass average throughout the duration of the scholarship
-Applicant must be of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent
-Applicants must demonstrate financial need

Info Beasiswa Description: The Dharawal Scholarship has been created to support an Australian Indigenous person studying an Undergraduate degree at the University of Wollongong. The scholarship endeavours to make funds available to students who wish to peruse their academic studies full-time within any faculty. This scholarship will be awarded to a student who is able to demonstrate active involvement in the community, as well as a commitment to their studies by maintaining a pass average.

Info Beasiswa Luar Negeri Australia Scholarship for Undergraduate Students Information and Application detail in the url :

Beasiswa Luar Negeri S2 2012 Australia Scholarship for Students Application Deadline: 30 September 2012

Beasiswa 2014/15...»»

Beasiswa Luar Negri S1 Philippines 2012


Beasiswa Luar Negeri S1 Philippines Researcher in Chemistry for Developing Countries Students, Philippines

Beasiswa Luar Negeri Philippines Researcher in Chemistry for Developing Countries Students at International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Philippines 2012

Beasiswa Luar Negeri Study Subject : Chemistry
Course Level: Research
Scholarship Provider: IRRI
Scholarship can be taken at: Philippines

- Licensed Chemist or Agricultural Chemist
- Has at least 3 years of relevant laboratory work experience
- Excellent supervisory skills, technical skills in plant and soil instrumentation, proficiency in QA, specifically ISO 17025.

Roles and responsibilities – Peform routine plant, soil and water analyses and generates analysis report in accordance to its ISO 17025 technical requirements.
- Assists in maintaining the ISO 17025 accreditation of ASL by conducting internal audits and monitoring compliance of staff to the standards.
- Develops new methods; improves and validates existing Method SOPs for inclusion in its scope of accreditation.
- Builds technical capability of RTs and trainees by orienting and training them on various analytical processes used in ASL.
- Evaluates performance of subordinate staff based on their weekly quota and monitoring their progress and coaching them on areas where improvement can be identified.

Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes

Beasiswa Luar Negeri S1 2012 Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries: Developing Country

Beasiswa S1 Description: The successful candidate shall develop new methods to suit complex sample matrices, validate existing and modified methods and perform plant and soil and water analysis. Assist in maintaining the ISO 17025 accreditation of ASL.Peform routine plant, soil and water anayses and generates analysis report in accordance to its ISO 17025 technical requirements.Evaluates performance of subordinate staff based on their weekly quota and monitoring their progress and coaching them on areas where improvement can be identified.

Beasiswa Luar Negeri S1 Philippines Researcher in Chemistry for Developing Countries Information and Application detail in the url :

Beasiswa Luar Negri S1 Philippines Researcher in Chemistry for Developing Countries Application Deadline: 17 Aug-2012

Beasiswa 2014/15...»»

International PhD Program 2012 Cardiovascular and Metabolic Research in Germany


International PhD Program 2012 the Helmholtz International Research School Trans Card offers up to 5 Fully-funded PhD in Translational Cardiovascular and Metabolic Medicine, Berlin Germany

The TransCard program is an attractive PhD Program for several good reasons:
• Excellent and challenging research projects ensured by high quality faculty.
• Constant mentoring of Ph.D. progress through the implemented Ph.D. Committees.
• A core lecture series to provide necessary background on concepts and methods.
• Guaranteed attendance of an international scientific meeting plus an advanced course.
• Opportunity to develop “Soft skills” through external courses and teaching on site.
• Personal development through interaction with peers, influence on the curriculum, and organization of a retreat / research meeting.

TransCard aims at identifying and training the next generation of talented students in the fields of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. There is an increasing world-wide demand for well-trained researchers within this exciting and medically extremely important research arena.

We are looking for outstanding highly-motivated candidates of any nationality, who hold or expect to obtain a Masters degree or a Diplom in Biology or in a related field. Our International PhD Program is conducted entirely in English. To learn more about the Program and the application process see:

International PhD Program 2012 Cardiovascular and Metabolic Research Information and application detail in the url : or

International PhD Program in Germany Cardiovascular and Metabolic Research Application Closing Date: August 27 th, 2012

Beasiswa 2014/15...»»

International PhD Program in Germany Info Beasiswa S2 Luar Negeri


International PhD Program in Germany of the Max Delbrück Centre for Molecular Medicine (MDC) in Berlin, Germany offers 20 PhD Positions. The MDC currently hosts more than 50 research groups and 300 doctorate students working in the fields of:

Info Beasiswa S2 Luar Negeri Positions:
Molecular Biology,
Cardiovascular & Metabolic Research,
Cancer Biology,
Developmental Biology,
Medical Systems Biology,
Structural Biology

On joining the Helmholtz Graduate School for Molecular Cell Biology at the MDC, PhD students receive interdisciplinary training in Molecular Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine and may join the specialized research schools in Cell Signalling and Gene Regulation (German-Israeli Helmholtz Research School SignGene), Systems Biology (MDC-NYU PhD Exchange Program), Molecular Neurobiology (MolNeuro) or Translational Cardiovascular Medicine (TransCard). All PhD students enjoy support such as travel grants for conferences and external courses, participation in summer schools, annual PhD retreats and social activities. The Graduate School of the MDC works in close collaboration with Berlin universities, the Freie Universität Berlin und Humboldt Universität zu Berlin.

This is a unique opportunity to develop your research career at the interface of basic molecular biology and translational medicine. We invite candidates of any nationality who hold or anticipate receiving a Master´s degree or equivalent in a relevant field before May 1, 2013. The program language is English.

Info Beasiswa Luar Negeri Visit our website to learn more about the MDC, the program and the application procedure:

International PhD Program Online registration/application is now activated. Application deadline is August 27th, 2012.

International PhD Program in Germany Molecular Medicine MDC Berlin For more information please refer to:

Beasiswa 2014/15...»»

Info Beasiswa Luar Negeri Terbaru at Middlesex University Dubai


Info Beasiswa Luar Negeri Terbaru 2012 Middlesex University Dubai offers Rise Up Grants for International Undergraduate Students, Dubai

Info Beasiswa di Luar Negeri Study Subject: Courses offered by the university
Course Level: Undergraduate
Scholarship Provider: Middlesex University Dubai
Info Beasiswa can be taken at: Dubai

-Successful completion of the Middlesex University International Foundation Programme (equivalent programmes from other Universities / Colleges / Institutes will be considered).
-Indian secondary school certificates issued by the CBSE/ISC boards may be considered: minimum grade of 55% overall.
-Pakistani national curriculum: completion of Year 1 at a recognized post-secondary institution (university/college). Candidates that have successfully completed FSC/HSC.

Info Beasiswa Luar Negeri Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes

Scholarship Description: Rise Up Grants are offered to new undergraduate candidates who are from financially disadvantaged backgrounds who show potential to rise up and excel. These scholarships are awarded to students who demonstrate evidence of financial hardship and significant academic achievements along with extra-curricular and community contributions. Winners are rewarded with 50% to 20% grants towards the tuition fees at Middlesex University Dubai for the full duration of their programme (subject to academic performance and other requirements). Application details are available with our Admissions Office. Apply before 1st of September 2012.

Info Beasiswa Luar Negeri 2012 at Middlesex University Dubai Scholarship Information and Application detail in the url :

Info Beasiswa Luar Negeri Application Deadline: 1 September, 2012

Beasiswa 2014/15...»»

Info Beasiswa Sarjana di Luar Negeri Istanbul Sehir Universitas, Turki


Info Beasiswa di Luar Negeri 2012 Istanbul Sehir University Undergraduate Scholarship, Turkey

Info Beasiswa Luar Negeri Undergraduate Scholarship for International and Turkish citizens/TRNC Citizens in Humanities and Social Sciences, Engineering and Natural Sciences, Business and Management, Communications, Islamic Studies, Law at Istanbul Sehir University, Turkey 2012-2013

Study Subject: Humanities and Social Sciences, Engineering and Natural Sciences, Business and Management, Communications, Islamic Studies, Law
Info Beasiswa Level: Undergraduate
Scholarship Provider: Istanbul Sehir University
Scholarship can be taken at: Turkey

For International Students- - students who are either high school graduates or are studying their last year in high school,
- students with dual nationality who abandoned their Turkish or Turkish Republic of North Cyprus (TRNC) citizenship and who complete their entire high school education abroad
- citizens of TRNC who have completed their entire high school in TRNC and have GCE A/L result will be accepted.

The applications of:
- Turkish citizens,
- citizens of TRNC (except the students who have completed their entire high school in TRNC and have GCE A/L result)
- students with dual nationality one of which is either Turkish of TRNC (except the students who have completed their entire high school in TRNC and have GCE A/L result)
- students with dual nationality who abandoned their Turkish or TRNC citizenship (except the students who have completed their entire high school in TRNC and have GCE A/L result) and who complete their entire high school education either in Turkey or TRNC
- students with dual nationality who abandoned their Turkish or TRNC citizenship and who graduate from the Mission schools in Turkey

Info Beasiswa Luar Negeri 2012 Open for International Students: Yes

Info Beasiswa Description: In the 2012-2013 academic year, all international students will be admitted to the undergraduate programs on full or partial scholarships. These scholarships are valid for 5 years duration (1 year of English Preparatory Program plus 4 years of undergraduate study). Scholarships and their coverage are as follows.?stanbul ?ehir University is a recently founded, non-profit, private higher education institution established by the Foundation for Sciences and Arts (Bilim ve Sanat Vakf? / BSV) in 2008. Its founder BSV is a renowned NGO functioning for more than 25 years in the field of social sciences, organizing many international and national academic activities and free seminars in related areas

Info Beasiswa 2012 Istanbul Sehir Universitas Information and Application detail in the url :

Info Beasiswa Sarjana di Luar Negeri Scholarship Application Deadline: August 1, 2012

Beasiswa 2014/15...»»

Info Beasiswa Erasmus Mundus Grant in Psychology


WOP-P Master Info Beasiswa Erasmus Mundus Grant in Psychology, 2012-2013

Info Beasiswa S2 Masters Scholarship Grant in the field of Psychology enrolled at enrolled in an institution of the WOP Consortium, 2012/13 Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, Brazil, Canada

Info Beasiswa Luar Negeri Study Subject: Psychology
Info Beasiswa Level: Master
Scholarship Provider: European Commission
Info Beasiswa 2012 Scholarship can be taken at: Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, Brazil, Canada

Eligibility: The Master requires a university undergraduate degree in Psychology.

Info Beasiswa S2 2012 Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes

Scholarship Description: The objective is to contribute to the qualification of professionals and researchers in the discipline of Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology emphasizing a European approach and perspective. The Master implements the main guidelines developed by the Euro-Psych model for the European Diploma of Psychology (EDP) supported by the European Federation of Psychology Association (EFPA). It also follows the Reference Model and Minimal Standards of the European Curriculum in WOP Psychology established by the European Network of Work and Organizational Psychology Professors (ENOP).

Info Beasiswa S2 Erasmus Mundus Grant in Psychology Scholarship Information and Application detail in the url :

Info Beasiswa Erasmus Mundus Scholarship Application Deadline: For Scholars:30th September 2012

Beasiswa 2014/15...»»

Info Beasiswa S2 Academic Fellowship, 2012


Info Beasiswa S2 Asia-Pacific Human Development Academic Fellowship, 2012

PhD Fellowship in the field of social science, liberal arts, or management for the applicants of developing countries, Info Beasiswa 2012 Asia- pacific

Study Subject: Embedding Environmental Concerns into Poverty Reduction and Inclusive Growth
Info Beasiswa 2012 Level: PhD
Scholarship Provider: UNDP
Scholarship can be taken at: Asia-Pacific

Eligibility:- Be a citizen of a developing country in the Asia-Pacific region -Have a Master’s degree in a relevant discipline such as a social science, liberal arts, or management and be currently enrolled as a fulltime PhD student.

Info Beasiswa S2 2012 Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes (Developing countries)

Info Beasiswa Description: The UNDP Asia-Pacific Human Development Academic Fellowship carries an award of US$10,000. Students will be required to submit to UNDP a copy of their final approved dissertation. In addition, fellows may be expected to present their work in workshops, seminars, and other events arranged by UNDP (travel costs will be covered separately).

Info Beasiswa S2 Academic Fellowship 2012 Scholarship Information and Application detail in the url :

Info Beasiswa S2 Scholarship Application Deadline: 15 September 2012

Beasiswa 2014/15...»»

Info Beasiswa 2012 Asia-Pacific region


Info Beasiswa 2012 Asia-Pacific Human Development Media Fellowship

Media Fellowship for the mid-career accredited media professional in the field of Climate Change for the applicants of developing country, Info Beasiswa 2012

Info Beasiswa Luar Negeri Study Subject :Climate Change
Course Level: Fellowship
Scholarship Provider: UNDP’s
Scholarship can be taken at: Asia-Pacific region

Eligibility: A citizen of one of the Asia-Pacific developing countries listed in Annex II (proof of citizenship required)
• A mid-career accredited media professional
• Approximately 5 years of relevant professional experience
• Completed application with enclosure (proposal, budget, timeframe, curriculum vitae, supporting material, if any, in English. Supporting material in a language other than English must be accompained by an English translation)
• UN staff members are not eligible to apply

Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes
Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries: Yes(Developing country)

Info Beasiswa Description: The human development approach puts people at the centre of development. It recognizes the importance of economic concerns for change but goes beyond them to raise issues of enhancing human capabilities and expanding people’s choices. The objective of the Media Fellowship is to contribute to building capacity in the Asia-Pacific region and support policy through advocacy and dissemination of research that bring people to the centre of development debates.

Info Beasiswa Luar Negeri 2012 Asia-Pacific Human Development Media Fellowship Information and Application detail in the url :

Info Beasiswa 2012 Asia-Pacific Scholarship Application Deadline: 15 September, 2012

Beasiswa 2014/15...»»

Info Beasiswa S2 Amerika Cancer Society Awal Desember 2013


Info Beasiswa S2 Amerika in Cancer Society Beginning Investigator Fellowships, 2013

International Research fellowship for the applicants of low, lower, middle and upper middle-income countries in the field of Cancer control, Info Beasiswa S2 2012

Study Subject: Cancer control in developing countries through epidemiology
Info Beasiswa Level: Research
Scholarship Provider: Funded by other agencies
Scholarship can be taken at:Host institute

-Be a beginning investigator or clinician in the early stages of their independent investigator career and must possess a terminal, advanced degree with a desire to become an independent investigator.
- Applicants are to be in the early phases of their career and no longer under research mentoring.
-Hold an academic university or hospital position with an explicit commitment to return to the home institute Conduct the research at not-for-profit institutions.

Info Beasiswa Luar Negeri Open for International Students: Yes

Info Beasiswa 2012 Description: The ACSBI fellowship emphasizes the transfer of knowledge from the host institute to others at the home institute. It offers the fellow the opportunity to be mentored by experts in the chosen field, receive hands on experience in clinical, behavioural or basic research, intellectual stimulation, research guidance, narrative transfer and many other opportunities to evolve scientifically and academically.

Info Beasiswa S2 Scholarship Information and Application detail in the url :
Info Beasiswa S2 Scholarship Application Deadline: 1 November each year

Beasiswa 2014/15...»»

Info Beasiswa S2 MSc Research 2012 Inggris


Info Beasiswa S2 MSc by Research in Real-time Visual Sensing for Mobile Robotics Applications, 2012 UK

Masters by research Studentship in the field of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or a related discipline at Applied Mathematics and Computing Group (AMAC) is part of the School of Engineering at Cranfield University, Info Beasiswa S2 UK

Beasiswa Luar Negeri S2 2012 Study Subject:Real-time Visual Sensing for Mobile Robotics Applications
Info Beasiswa Level: Masters
Scholarship Provider: Cranfield University
Scholarship can be taken at: UK

Eligibility:Applicants should have good background in computer science, artificial intelligence, electrical engineering or a related discipline with a strong programming ability in a high level language (preferably C/C++, Java or Matlab). Candidates should hold at least a 2:1 honours degree or equivalent in . Applicants with industrial experience or those seeking part-time employer-sponsored study similarly welcomed.

Info Beasiswa S2 Luar Negeri Open for International Students: Yes

Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries: Overseas applicants (non-EU) are welcome to apply for this programme of study but please note that studentships are only available for UK/EU students.

Info Beasiswa Luar Negeri Description: The Applied Mathematics and Computing Group (AMAC) is part of the School of Engineering at Cranfield University. It specialises in the application of mathematical and computational techniques to engineering problems – including the domain of applied image and signal processing. AMAC has been involved in image processing activities for ~20 years. Prior projects include real-time night-vision systems for major automotive manufacturers, pan-European driver monitoring/awareness projects together with a range of medical vision and security surveillance work. Recent work includes 3D computer vision for object recognition and inspection, automated ground robot and aerial target detection.

Info Beasiswa S2 2012 MSc Research Inggris Scholarship Information and Application detail in the url :
Info Beasiswa S2 Scholarship Application Deadline: 31 August 2012

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